Future proof yourself: Over 50’s

number 50 fifty in gold paint on blue wall.
number 50 fifty in gold paint on blue wall.

I’m Jason, the founder of The Physiotherapists. I’m soon to be 50 and someone jokingly said “you’ll be getting your SAGA magazine soon”. If you don’t know SAGA is a magazine for the Over 50’s, I laughed it off but then I realised they were right! Like many people I don’t feel fifty, not just mentally but physically either. You’re possibly thinking “physiotherapist, probably does sport all the time, super healthy blah blah” I’d like to reassure you that’s not the case. Yes I do exercise but I tend to take a little and often approach and I’m not in the gym 5 times a week. Yes I watch what I eat but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy a pizza or junk food, I just keep an eye on them and when I’ve over indulged for a while, I dial it back a bit.

To be completely honest I wax and wane, sometimes I’m eating healthy and exercising, other times I’m being lazy and eating rubbish. The key for me is, I never let it get too far and if I’ve had a few weeks or even a few months of being less active or healthy than I should, I put the effort in to get back to my baseline. For example I’ve been a size 32 trousers since I was 18, if they get tight, it’s time to get moving! 

Has it all gone too far? 

Cropped rear view of overweight, female or non binary person, no head is visible the body is trying to get dressed and fit in small size jeans on white background.

You’ve suddenly found yourself in the over 50’s category and mortality is staring you in the face. It’s a brutal statement I understand. You can’t choose how many years you have left, but you can definitely improve your chances of having more, and of the ones you do have being of better quality. So what if life has got on top of you, you haven’t undertaken exercise since school and even then you used to get a note from your mum? Or you’re idea of a square meal is one that comes in a KFC box? It’s never too late until it is.

What does that mean? Well if you’re 6 stone over weight then your journey back to a more healthy weight is going to be longer than mine. It’s even more important for you to embark on that journey. If you’re not in ill health then now is the time to start. The minute you fall into ill health it’s a much harder journey and some of that damage could be irreparable.

I’m not trying to scare monger, I spent 4 years in community NHS and saw on a daily basis the damage people had done to their bodies through neglect. The slow trickle of over indulgence over years and a lack of movement eventually becomes too much for the body to bear. For some this happens in later life, but for an alarming number it’s much earlier. Those of us in or about to be in the over 50’s category are well in the danger zone. 

You don’t understand 

You don’t have the time? I’ve not met anyone thus far that couldn’t find the time. It might mean sacrificing something else but is ANYTHING more important than staying alive? You’ve got an injury that restricts you? All the more reason to get help before that injury becomes a permanent fixture in your life. It’s already permanent? Then work with what you’ve got. We can adapt to your needs and improve your baseline improving your quality of life. We do understand how hard it is, sometimes though, the only choice is the hard choice. Think about all the cliches; ‘You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great’ or ‘you are what you eat’ and ‘move it, or lose it’. Cliche’s are such because they are well used and that’s because at their core they are true. 

Where to begin? 

You don’t have to start big, you don’t even need to join a gym. If you have found this article then well done, you’ve probably already started thinking about it. We have a whole series on Future proofing yourself and these are suitable for any age not just the Over 50’s. A great way to get started is with our article on ‘Stealing Fitness’. A really great way to start to change your lifestyle with small, manageable steps. 

Weight what? 

Portrait of senior over 50's woman smoking outdoors

The final thing I would add is that weight shouldn’t be your focus. Recent studies have shown that it is far better to have good cardiovascular health and muscle strength and be over weight than be ‘the right weight’ and have poor respiratory and muscle condition.  Oh and if you’re a smoker the SINGLE. MOST. HEALTH. BENEFICAL. THING. YOU. CAN. DO. IS. STOP. Fact. 

IF you’re carrying an injury, we can help. If you just want to get started on the right path, we can also help. We’re here to guide you gently into the future, that future starts today. 

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